Lord, you know // 24-09-18

  1. “Lord, you know everything there is to know about me. You perceive every movement of my heart and soul, and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:1-2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

No one knows me more than my Heavenly Father does. In fact, He knows me better than I even think I know myself, and more completely than any other person could! And He doesn’t just know me, He understands me, after all He created me on purpose for a purpose, out of love, to be loved and to show love! And knowing everything, the good, bad and ugly, He still loves me. How amazing is that! Lord, show me who I am through Your eyes and may I live in the light of Your perfect love and truth, Amen 🙏🏼