“…be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 NLT
Life is too short to hold grudges! They clog up the heart, making it hard, become heavy to carry, making me weary, and they result in broken relationships and unhelpful distractions that can take me down and out! So I choose today to let that grudge go, even if I feel justified in holding on to it. It’s time to free up my hands and my heart by choosing forgiveness. Even if reconciliation isn’t possible or desirable, the way of forgiveness offers more freedom and healing from hurt than any grudge holding or retaliation ever can! But maybe connection is possible? The choice to forgive starts in the mind, but the act of forgiving is outworked in kindness. So who do I need to forgive today? Who have are I disconnected from who would benefit from some kindness? Jesus, help me to be like You 🙏🏼