“Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!” Romans 11:33 NLT
At no other time in the history of the world has knowledge been so easily accessed and available! We live in an ‘enlightened’ age of information and technology, and the danger is that I can trust in my ‘wisdom’ more than I trust in the wisdom of God, and end up ignoring or dismissing the One who knows the best and loves the most! How foolish!! Because the truth is that my thinking is still so limited and faulty, I don’t know it all, so I am heading into 2020 humbly acknowledging that I am not God! I may not always understand Your decisions and Your ways Lord, but I am going to trust You with all my heart, and I will not depend on my own understanding but in all my ways I will seek Your will, believing the promise that You will make my paths straight. Amen (Prov 3:5-6) 🙏🏼