Speak Lord // 26-04-21

“Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭NLT

In a world of loud voices, internal and external, telling me how I should live and what I should believe, It is vital to my mental and spiritual health that I seek to hear God, to listen to Him and to understand what He is saying! He is the One who made me, the One who knows me the best and loves me the most. He is the One who has a good, pleasing and perfect plan for my life, He is the One that I need to listen to and trust more than any other voice that is demanding my attention! Lord, I want to be more intentional about listening to You. Speak to me as I open the Bible, speak to me as I quiet my mind and fix my thoughts on You, help me to not just hear Your Word, but to truly listen and understand it, with the determination to go and live it! Speak Lord, Your servant is listening. Amen 🙏🏼👂🏻