“If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water.” John 4:10 MSG
My goal is to really know Jesus! I so want to understand the generosity of God in sending Him to pay what I could never pay and to give what I could never earn or deserve! I don’t want to know Him as an historical figure or as a religious belief, I don’t want to go running to other places looking for something to quench my thirst when I can know Jesus as my greatest friend, the One who is closer than a brother, the One who is always with me, the One I can turn to and ask for a drink, knowing that He is able and willing to give me the fresh, living water that I so desperately need! Lord, thank You for making Your sacrifice, Your salvation, Yourself known to me! Thank You that I can come boldly and confidently to You, trusting that You will give me everything I need. May I be known as a friend of Yours and may Your living water flow out of me today so that others can see You and get to know You too. Amen 🙏🏼❤️🔥