Perfect peace // 30-01-24

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.“ Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I’m not sure what’s going on right now but I can’t remember a time when so many I know have been this battle weary, stressed, anxious, and ill all at the same time? It’s a wake up call for me to pray like never before and to challenge us all to review what it is we are focusing our thoughts on and putting our trust in that isn’t the Lord? No one, and nothing else, provides that Rock solid foundation except Jesus! Only He is our salvation and eternal hope. Only He can give us the peace that we need body, soul and spirit. Only He can calm our troubled and overwhelmed minds, but it takes fixing our thoughts on Him and putting our trust in Him! I am so aware that the enemy is prowling around roaring his lies and accusations and causing fear and anxiety to rise as and when he can. His work is only made easier when he sees us isolated and disconnected from community. So in the words of a song my friend Joe and I wrote, ‘I choose to praise when the enemy comes against me. I choose to sing, for You are good, You are good! I choose to worship, for Your love endures forever. You’re the God who never changes, the God who never changes!’ Lord thank you for Your steadfast and enduring love. You are the eternal Rock and I find peace as I fix my thoughts on You. I pray for all those I know today who are feeling fragile in their mind, will and emotions, that they would be able to lift their heads and look to You, and find the peace and strength that they need. Amen 🙏🏼👆🏼

If you need prayer please get in touch, dare to connect. Don’t fall for the devil’s deception, you don’t have to stay in that place of isolation and fear 🙌🏼