“So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.“ James 4:7 AMP
When you come under the rule of King Jesus, counting on His righteousness, trusting in His salvation, standing on His Word, and sure of His resurrection power, then the enemy cannot have a hold over you! His accusations won’t prosper when you know who you are in Christ – forgiven and redeemed! His lies cannot hold you captive when you know the truth that sets you free. His temptations can’t distract you when your thoughts are fixed on Jesus! To submit means to yield to the will of another. When that is the One who created you, the one who knows you, the One who says He has good plans for you then you can be sure that His will is always better than yours. It’s in the submitting that the resisting becomes possible. You don’t have to listen to the enemy’s lies, you don’t have to entertain those negative intrusive thoughts, in fact, never get into conversation with the devil who just wants to rob your peace and destroy your life. Submit to God instead and the resisting will see the devil flee (which means running away in fear!) As children of light we don’t bow to any fear, the darkness should be scared of us! So at the start of this new week let’s take the authority we have in Christ, let’s stand firm, strong in His mighty power, wearing His righteousness, His salvation, His truth, and His peace as our armour. Let’s pick up our faith as a shield and wield the sword which is His word! Lord, turn me from a worrier to a warrior today as I submit to You. Amen 👆🏼🛡️🗡️🙏🏼