Read the Bible // 17-01-22

“There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭3:15-17‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Last week I was highlighting the G of my acrostic GROW – Get praying! This week will be on R – Read the Bible! If I don’t take seriously the need for God’s Word, in order to know His will, and receive spiritual wisdom and understanding, especially when it comes to my identity, my purpose and my future, then I will be influenced by other voices, and world views, that have a different agenda for my life. It is so important to have God’s perspective, so vital that I am connected to what He says, so that I can know Him better and better, living life in a way that honours Him and that produces real, eternal fruit! Lord, thank You for showing me the way to salvation. As I open my Bible today, with a desire to learn, would You speak to me, correct me, train me, equip me, change me, and lead me in Your ways. Amen 🙌🏼🙏🏼