“Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No-one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.” 2 Timothy 2:3-4 NIV
Having woken up early for a week or so now I had it in my head to sleep in today. But as I came to, I had these words in my head, “Wake up soldier!” I looked at the clock – 6:25am, so I did what I was told and got up to pray! I know getting up on a cold morning is hardly suffering, but it did make me think about the need to be obedient whatever the situation if I’m going to be a good soldier of Christ! To be a soldier means I am part of an army, others are relying on my obedience for a greater cause. Also, to soldier, means to carry on doggedly, to persevere! Lord, I pray you will find us alert to Your voice today as our commanding officer, with the strength and courage to respond quickly and obediently to Your instructions, rallying together strategically to push back the kingdom of darkness, and to advance Your Kingdom of light. Help us not to get so entangled in the affairs of the world that we are unavailable for what You are calling us to do. Thank You for seeing the potential in us, for choosing us, training us, equipping us, and sending us as a good soldiers, on mission! We might feel like a ragtag army of good for nothings, all too aware of our weaknesses, but I pray that we will increasingly see ourselves the way that You see us, with a fresh understanding of the spiritual battle You have called us to fight, clothed in the armour that You give, with a determination to not give up! This is my battle cry today, ‘Wake up soldiers!’ Amen ❤️🔥🙌🏼