I will tell // 03-02-23

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalms‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬ ‭NIVUK‬

It’s always an encouragement when I hear people speaking about how God has changed their life. Equally, when I look back and recall His work in my own life and tell someone else, when I remember how He has spoken to me, loved me, and saved me, it stirs faith and hope and causes me to praise Him again! Jesus is alive! He is still interceding and intervening to turn people’s lives around, to bring joy where there was mourning, hope where there was despair, a new beginning when it seemed like it was over. He IS the Lord who saves! What wonderful deeds of His can you tell people about? In what ways has God got You through? What are you thankful for today? When you can appreciate and articulate how God has been faithful to you in the past, it will give you faith for all He has got for you in the future. Thank You Lord for your constant, life-giving, reassuring, closer than close presence in my life. Help me to fine bold in telling others about Your wonderful deeds. Amen ❤️🙌🏼

For all those in Gloucester. We’re having a thanksgiving service on Sunday night at 6pm for 30 years of Kingfisher Church. A time to remember God’s faithfulness, to tell of what He has done, and to stir our hearts for the mission He is still calling us to! We’ll also be sharing communion during the service. We would love you to be there 🙌🏼